Risk Calculators

Risk Calculators

Calculation Tool for Glenoid and Humeral Bone Loss

To estimate your risk of bone loss from a future shoulder dislocation, please enter the variables below.  This calculator is not a replacement for seeking the opinion of a medical professional.

This calculator is based on research conducted by the MOON Shoulder Group.The purpose of the MOON Group’s Bone Loss study was to determine predictors of glenoid and humeral head bone loss.

What do my results mean?
Glenoid Bone Loss: This result represents your risk of having any total glenoid (socket) bone loss.
10% Glenoid Bone Loss: This result represents your risk of having 10% total glenoid (socket) bone loss.
Humeral Bone Loss: This result represents your risk of having any total humeral (head) bone loss.
10% Humeral Bone Loss: This result represents your risk of having 10% total humeral (head) bone loss.
Combined Bone Loss: This result represents your risk of Glenoid (socket) + Humeral (head) bone loss.